20 Ocak 2011 Perşembe

drupal welcome screen remover

Welcome to your new Drupal website!

Please follow these steps to set up and start using your website:.....

if you remove drupal welcome screen you can add  your thema  css file 

#first-time { display:none; } 

that is ok!  

12 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba

drupal add prefix sql command

you can use this sql command but if you have different tables so that you must to add or delete here ;

   access TO drupal_access,
   accesslog TO drupal_accesslog,
   actions TO drupal_actions,
   actions_aid TO drupal_actions_aid,
   aggregator_category TO drupal_aggregator_category,
   aggregator_category_feed TO drupal_aggregator_category_feed,
   aggregator_category_item TO drupal_aggregator_category_item,
   aggregator_feed TO drupal_aggregator_feed,
   aggregator_item TO drupal_aggregator_item,
   authmap TO drupal_authmap,
   batch TO drupal_batch ,
   blocks TO drupal_blocks,
   blocks_roles TO drupal_blocks_roles,
   blogapi_files TO drupal_blogapi_files,
   boxes TO drupal_boxes,
   cache TO drupal_cache,
   cache_block TO drupal_cache_block,
   cache_content TO drupal_cache_content,
   cache_filter TO drupal_cache_filter,
   cache_form TO drupal_cache_form,
   cache_menu TO drupal_cache_menu,
   cache_page TO drupal_cache_page,
   cache_update TO drupal_cache_update,
   cache_views TO drupal_cache_views,
   cache_views_data TO drupal_cache_views_data,
   comments TO drupal_comments,
   contact TO drupal_contact,
   content_group TO drupal_content_group,
   content_group_fields TO drupal_content_group_fields,
   content_node_field TO drupal_content_node_field,
   content_node_field_instance TO drupal_content_node_field_instance,
   content_type_resim TO drupal_content_type_resim,
   files TO drupal_files,
   filters TO drupal_filters,
   filter_formats TO drupal_filter_formats,
   flood TO drupal_flood,
   history TO drupal_history,
   imagecache_action TO drupal_imagecache_action,
   imagecache_preset TO drupal_imagecache_preset,
   imce_files TO drupal_imce_files,
   languages TO drupal_languages,
   locales_source TO drupal_locales_source,
   locales_target TO drupal_locales_target,
   menu_custom TO drupal_menu_custom,
   menu_links TO drupal_menu_links,
   menu_router TO drupal_menu_router,
   node TO drupal_node,
   node_access TO drupal_node_access,
   node_comment_statistics TO drupal_node_comment_statistics,
   node_counter TO drupal_node_counter,
   node_revisions TO drupal_node_revisions,
   node_type TO drupal_node_type,
   openid_association TO drupal_openid_association,
   openid_nonce TO drupal_openid_nonce,
   permission TO drupal_permission,
   poll TO drupal_poll,
   poll_choices TO drupal_poll_choices,
   poll_votes TO drupal_poll_votes,
   profile_fields TO drupal_profile_fields,
   profile_values TO drupal_profile_values,
   role TO drupal_role,
   search_dataset TO drupal_search_dataset,
   search_index TO drupal_search_index,
   search_node_links TO drupal_search_node_links,
   search_total TO drupal_search_total,
   semaphore TO drupal_semaphore,
   sessions TO drupal_sessions,
   system TO drupal_system,
   term_data TO drupal_term_data,
   term_hierarchy TO drupal_term_hierarchy,
   term_node TO drupal_term_node,
   term_relation TO drupal_term_relation,
   term_synonym TO drupal_term_synonym,
   upload TO drupal_upload,
   url_alias TO drupal_url_alias,
   users TO drupal_users,
   users_roles TO drupal_users_roles,
   variable TO drupal_variable,
   views_display TO drupal_views_display,
   views_object_cache TO drupal_views_object_cache,
   views_view TO drupal_views_view,
   vocabulary TO drupal_vocabulary,
   vocabulary_node_types TO drupal_vocabulary_node_types,
   watchdog TO drupal_watchdog,
   wysiwyg TO drupal_wysiwyg;